Activités 2021
du 2 au 10 octobre Biennale de Rambouillet
Bergerie Nationale, Parc du Château de Rambouillet
78120 Rambouillet
du 4 au 18 octobre ARTEC' CLUNY
Ecuries Saint Hugues
71250 Cluny
du 27 au 31 octobre Salon d'Automne de Paris
Avenue des Champs Elysées
Vernissage le 27 à partir de 16 h ( sur invitations )
du 4 au 24 novembre 7ème Salon des Beaux Arts de Boulogne
Espace Landowski
28 avenue André Morizet
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
Vernissage le 9 novembre à 18h30
du 8 au 28 novembre SAMS " Villa Médicis "
92 avenue du Ba
94210 La Varenne St. Hilaire
Vernissage le 13 novembre à 18 h
du 13 au 19 décembre Salon de l'Ecole Française
Carré de la Farine (Place du marché)
78000 Versailles
Actualités passées

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Bitumen is an organic pigment of fossil origin, naturally occurring in the environment or manufactured industrially.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
It can be in liquid form (Judean bitumen) or in solid form: mastic, rock, etc.
It is found almost everywhere in the world and especially in the Middle and Near East where it has been exploited for 4 millennia. The discovery of these multiple uses began in prehistoric times (incisors treated with bitumen), even the Old Testament mentions its use for the caulking of Noah's Ark ...
It was the subject of a trade in the Mediterranean basin and was used as a mortar in the construction of buildings, caulking to ensure the waterproofing of boats, the manufacture of everyday objects (waterproofing) or artistic (see at Louvres the collection objects from the city of Susa in Iran). In liquid form, it replaced oil in lamps, it also served as a preservative in Egypt to embalm mummies. It was also exploited in road construction since traces dating from the 7th century BC. JC were found at the site of Old Babylon.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
It has also been used medicinally as a remedy for various diseases.
Artists did not always use existing paintings as we know them today. They created their own mixture to paint using natural products from their environment: walnut stain, shellac, tar, plants and minerals… ..
They invented tools and developed creative techniques that were sometimes very personal. Some of them have used bitumen to protect the canvases of their paintings against humidity and fungus by coating them on the back with one or two layers of this material.
Nicéphore Niepce used bitumen from Judea for his first photographs.
The first asphalt pavement in Paris was in 1838 and the first street in 1854 (rue Bergère).
Painters, such as the romantic Delacroix, passing by Victor Hugo, or many more modern ones such as Tapiés, Dubuffet, Dali… .all were fascinated by the ductile qualities of bitumen, its almost black and warm brown color. Even Soulages used it. He also diverted certain products used by cabinetmakers such as walnut stain.
Nowadays there are so few of us using it as a medium. For many people, it remains a worrying organic matter because it is very alive, it is considered forbidden because it comes from the bowels of the earth. Perhaps quite simply because it does not come out of a tube like the paint today.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Sources: Books: "Bitumen in Antiquity" by Jacques CONNAN
Victor Hugo's “The International Tachist Movement”
Internet : se
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